5 tips for planning NetSuite UAT

If you have signed up to NetSuite and are going through an ERP implementation for the first time UAT is likely a new (and probably stressful) concept for you. NetSuite’s implementation model is called SuiteSuccess and it is more than likely that your implementation partner will be following this framework. If they are they will have some time dedicated to UAT. If they do not have time dedicated to UAT you need to find a new implementation partner!


Having worked on enterprise scale ERP implementations and on smaller projects using SuiteSuccess there is a massive difference in the time dedicated to performing user acceptance testing. That is to be expected. Enterprise-sized businesses have tight reporting deadlines and if the wrong numbers are released to the market people will lose their jobs. In the end they run parallel cycles for months and it’s all very expensive.


If you are implementing NetSuite for the first time there will be a lot less pressure on going live. If you are moving from Quickbooks or Xero it is likely your processes are time consuming and cumbersome anyway. You probably don’t have tight reporting deadlines each month and truth be told you are not completely confident in your numbers anyway. It doesn’t make sense to waste lots of money on testing.


That is not to say that UAT is unimportant. It is very important. Frankly SuiteSuccess does not dedicate enough time to testing. It allows for what is known as unit testing which looks to answer the question – does the process work for the most basic scenario in one or a couple of instances? It will not test the various iterations of the process that your business runs. It will not consider your end-to-end processes. It won’t pick up issues in your data.



Here are 5 tips to consider when developing your user acceptance testing plan:


1. SuiteSuccess testing is essential. Make sure that your team is available for it and fully commits to completing it. As well as testing, it will act as training for your team. It is often useful booking blocks of time in and meeting room and getting them together to complete it.


2. SuiteSuccess will do unit testing. Your client side PM (assuming you have one, if not get in touch) should be doing more extensive testing on your processes, chart of accounts, data migration etc.


3. Test data migration. Your cutover timetable will be tight; migrating data will be one of the most time-consuming parts of this stressful period. Make sure that you’re ready and have tested your data migration activities.


4. After go-live, billing customers is the most important process you will need to be operational. Make sure your UAT plan covers your billing process in some detail.


5. Do end-to-end testing. For example test your billing process from accepting a new client to sending out an invoice and receipting a payment.


This post is a part of our implementing NetSuite blog series. I hope you find it helpful. If you would like to discuss any elements of your NetSuite process with us then please get in touch.